In the summer of 2024, I, Persee Tevebaugh, accidentally came into contact with a wizard from a far off magical realm, Alexan Drytus. After a couple weeks of communication and exchanging information on our respective universes, I came to learn that in their world, Alexan distributes a weekly blog detailing their experience as a corporate wizard. Her stories are fascinating, and so we decided I should distribute the letters in this realm as well.

Please enjoy: Tales of a Corporate Wizard

Persee Tevebaugh Persee Tevebaugh

Teleportation and its Drawbacks

My letters of the past fortnight have concerned the actual busy work of my position as a Mid-Level Mage at the Grand Celestio Council of Wizards, but some of you have asked about the pros and cons of other aspects of my position, so today I will be telling you about my commute to and from work, which I consider one of the most important parts to consider when deciding whether or not you can accept this position yourself.

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Persee Tevebaugh Persee Tevebaugh

Confidentiality on the High Seas

Last week I wrote to all you aspiring wizards about my general workload as a Mid-Level Mage at the Grand Celestio Council of Wizards, and our most common nuisance of a client, kings. But kings are not our only clients. At the Grand Council we service anyone willing to pay our fees and abide by our guidelines. We work with all sorts of royals: queens, dukes, lords and ladies, the list goes on; we work with warriors and heroes; faeries, elves, and villains (after lengthy contract negotiations, read and re-read over a thousand times); even the occasional member of the common folk that scrounges up enough coins to afford our rates. But my story today involves a different sort of client who I had the fortune of spending my entire shift assisting yesterday, and that client is the humble pirate.

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Persee Tevebaugh Persee Tevebaugh

An Introduction, Some Words of Advice, and a Warning of Irritation

If you’re reading this, you already know that I, Alexan Drytus, was recently promoted within my Mage role at the Grand Celestio Council of Wizards. I’m constantly being sent inquiries from young wizards on how I got this position and asking for networking tips, so I thought I’d lay it all out in a recurring letter format. Please understand that though I am happy to help provide advice, my updates must come after my duties in my new position as a Mid-Level Mage at the Grand Council.

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